Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pickup sex

I was waiting up last night for Eris when she got home.  She had been out, but got back in time for me to see  her before I went to bed.  We chit-chatted and got into our pre-sleep routine.  We lay together and small-talked for a while.  I was feeling her bare skin against me and then I just started caressing  her,  just on her soft skin, then moving to where my hands and her wriggles led.

This lead further into a hot rousing passionate fury of plain vanilla sex.  No groups, no ropes, no whips, no cuffs, no toys; just desire and lust in priest-approved man-on-top-lights-out-in-a-bed sex.

It really was amazing.  

Even our normal sex is lustful, passionate, desirous, steamy, and hot while at the same time being tender, caring, loving, and intimate.  I did the things that Eris loves while she did her same magic back to me.  Magic that makes me loose control every time.  I could feel us moving in rhythms that only we know, that make us one.

I told Eris afterwards that it was fantastic for just  having 'pickup sex' -  I.e. no planning involved.  She agreed with me that even our normal sex is truly fantastic.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Night out

Eris and I have been having an uneven time of it on our recent outings - i.e. we haven't scored.  This is frustrating because hey, we're freaking hot! :-)  

However, in our town, there are two scenes.  The first scene we ran into is what I call the 'NASCAR crowd'.  They're very nice people and we've always had a good time with time, but we haven't quite 'clicked' with anyone there and we've had some less than standard experiences with them.  If I have a critique, it's that these folks, who are very fun, are too eager to hook up. 

The second crowd is what I like to call 'smug urban hipsters'.  These people are more our style, but it's very hard to get ' in' with them.  It's almost clique-ish, and there are actually a few rock stars in the group; rock stars as in people with for-pay websites.  However, after attending enough events and basically schmoozing, we're starting to get our 'ins'.  This crowd is almost too paranoid to hook up with new people; which is understandable but still irksome because we'd like to shag rotten some of these very nice people.

This post is about our most recent outing with the second group.  We attended a NYE event with this group and it was fun, but ran back into the irksomeness of the intro paragraph.  So, we thought we'd go to this bar meet the ringleader of the smug urban hipsters put together.  It's at a club that is re-organizing into a lifestyle friendly club.  

Here's the scoop: we get to the club and the doorman is dressed head-to-toe in black leather, complete with cap.  This takes me aback a bit, since it's slowly donning on me that this club isn't what I expected.  The gentleman directs us back to our group and as I pass the bar I notice a very large portion of the male gender at the bar.  As a matter-of-fact, they're all male.

Nope, it still hasn't kicked in yet.

We get back to our group and start chatting and exchanging pleasantries when it hits me - This is a gay bar!

I'm fine with the gay bar aspect of it, but I wasn't expecting a LS event to be held in a gay bar.  Although after some due consideration it makes a lot of sense.  Bar owners of all ilks need extra business, and both groups of people have non-traditional affection displays.

So we keep drinking and flirting and at one point one of the drag queens from the floor shows makes a point to stop by me and another LS friend to ensure that I'm doing ok.  I confirm that all is well and as s/he walks off I get the feeling that s/he was flirting with me.  

As the night wears on I get a distinct nod of interest from one of the bars more regular patrons.  This, for me anyway, is quite flattering.  I've had confidence issues from time-to-time in the LS because no one is ever really sure how attractive he/she is.  When gay men, and cute gay men as Eris and a friend told me, hit on you this is a total ego boost. It means: 

I am hot enough for gay men!

Now, perhaps this just means that these folks would hit on anyone, but at this point I'm going to take it as an indication that no matter what I think, my current fitness and eating routine is working well!

Eris and I mingle and drink and flirt and fondle all sorts of fun people that night, and even though we didn't manage to make it into any boudoirs or even hotel rooms, we had an awesome time.  We met some very wonderful and hot people - mormon swinger anyone - and we just felt connected to our group. 

The next outing is up in the air for scheduling, but at this point, I think we've finally made it past the initiation phase.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Eris & I attended the most awesome Midori Rope dojo a few weeks months ago. To quote Peter from Office Space "It was everything I thought it would be and more."

The great thing about this was that I already knew three of the four basic ties she taught, and one of the four body harnesses. For me, most of the drills and class were about opening my persepectives. As Midori says we often get caught up in the mechanics and forget about the atmosphere. I had been practicing different knot and all sorts of other stuff, but after I learned Midori tied one maybe two knots, I'm giving knot-tying up for Lent. Yes I know Lent is a long way away, but you can never start too early.

The second thing I got from this class was the perspective change. In many many scenes we revert to arm-to-arm, leg-to-leg types of symetric bondage and we don't open up to our imagination. Midori's focus all weekend was to get us to think in asymetries, as well as to use our environment with our bondage. During one of the speed drills, one of the couples used the chairs we were sitting on as a column to tie their partner. I was still stuck on odd body parts.

We also got to meet some wonderful kinksters. There were people, besides our instructors, who flew in for just this event; that was after they had attended Shibaricon. Meeting people into kink always opens your perspectives. There's what sells website subscriptions, and then there are the people who really make the scene thrive. Sometimes these two distinct populations intersect.